心臟靜脈中心(Heart Vein NYC)專精治療心血管疾病和靜脈曲張無創治療。該中心創始人金柏均醫生(MD,FACC)於1982年在韓國首爾國立大學醫學院獲得醫學學位,繼續在約翰霍普金斯大學攻讀博士後研究員。他繼續在賓夕法尼亞大學心髒病學專業進行培訓,並在羅德島醫院的布朗大學完成了介入心髒病學最後的研究。現在他領導著心髒病以及專治腿部問題的醫療團隊,包括林曉麗華裔醫生(PRA-C)、鄭雲燕華裔醫生(ANP-C)、Nay Htyte醫生 (MD,MSC,AACC) 、Esad Vucic 醫生 (MD) 、Tae An Choi醫生( ANP-BC)等等 。醫療團隊精通英語、國語、韓語以及西班牙語。
金柏均醫生表示當你發現原本光滑的小腿上,出現了彎彎曲曲、蚯蚓似的凸起,一條條血管呈現出「青筋畢露」的感覺,那麼很有可能靜脈曲張已經找上你。 靜脈曲張不只是老人專利,需久坐或久站的上班族、懷孕婦女和運動員等也容易罹患,建議若發現腿冒青筋、蜘蛛網般紅斑、蚯蚓般突起的血管,或是小腿莫名感到痠、痛、脹,最好就醫。
心臟靜脈中心(Heart Vein NYC)的法拉盛診所服務社區有二十餘年,在曼哈頓中城以及布朗區均有診所,該中心設有最先進心血管核像掃描、運動超音波掃描、彩色超音波掃描、心電圖和24小時心電儀。專治:腿部疼痛、抽筋、麻木、疲勞、潰瘍腫脹、靜脈曲張,胸部疼痛、心悸、呼吸急促、高膽固醇、肥胖症等等。
Heart Vein NYC specializes in non-invasive treatment of cardiovascular disease and varicose veins. The founder of the center, Dr. Jin Baijun (MD, FACC) received his medical degree from the Seoul National University School of Medicine in 1982 and continued his postdoctoral research at Johns Hopkins University. He continued his training in cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania and completed the final study of interventional cardiology at Brown University at Rhode Island Hospital. He now leads the medical team for heart disease and leg problems, including Dr. Lin Xiaoli (PRA-C), Dr. Zheng Yunyan (ANP-C), Dr. Nay Htyte (MD, MSC, AACC), and Dr. Esad Vucic ( MD), Dr. Tae An Choi (ANP-BC) and so on. The medical team is fluent in English, Mandarin, Korean and Spanish.
Dr. Jin Baijun said that when you found that the original smooth calf had a twist, a bulging bulge, and a vein showed a feeling of "blue gluten", it is very likely that varicose veins have already found you. Varicose veins are not just patents for the elderly. Office workers, pregnant women and athletes who need to sit for a long time or stand for a long time are also prone to suffering. It is recommended to find the legs with blue veins, erythema like erythema, sputum-like blood vessels, or the calf inexplicably. It is painful and bloating. It is best to seek medical attention.
The varicose veins cause poor blood flow back and accumulate in the veins, causing the venous pressure to be too high and the blood vessels to protrude on the surface of the skin. If a large amount of blood stagnates in the veins of the lower body, they cannot return to the heart to participate in normal blood circulation, and may have symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, depression, and elevated blood pressure.
The Flushing Clinic service community at Heart Vein NYC has more than 20 years of experience in clinics in Midtown Manhattan and Brown District, with state-of-the-art cardiovascular imaging scans, motion ultrasound scans, and color ultrasound. Scan, ECG and 24-hour electrocardiograph. Specialties: leg pain, cramps, numbness, fatigue, ulcer swelling, varicose veins, chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, high cholesterol, obesity, etc.
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